I have made a dynamic form that combines a list of individuals. In this list, I have a field that contains the values of a dynamic list. My concern is that this field (#id_p#_state
) is multiplied by the initial query and I want to avoid that. the result I have is for example if I have 10 results in the first query, each line of the second is x10
<cfinvoke component="cfc_query" method="methode_h" returnvariable="result"> <cfinvokeargument name="id_atser" value="#id#"> </cfinvoke> <cfinvoke component="cfc_query" method="methode_state" returnvariable="result_state"> </cfinvoke> <cfoutput query="result"> <tr> <td>#lastname# #firstname# #id_personne#</td> <cfloop from="1" to="#daysInMonth(createdate(datepart('yyyy',now()),form.date_periode,1))#" index="boucle"> <td><cfinput name="#id_personne#_date_presence" type="text" value="#dateformat(createdate(datepart('yyyy',now()),form.date_periode,boucle),'dd/mm/yyyy')#" size="7"></td> <td> <cfselect name="#id_p#_state" style="width: 32px;"> <cfloop query="result_state"> <cfoutput> <option value="#id_state#">#description#</option> </cfoutput> </cfloop> </cfselect> </td> </cfloop> </tr> </cfoutput>
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67335516/avoid-duplicate-with-nested-cfoutput-and-cfloop April 30, 2021 at 10:17PM