I have implemented a spring boot application to retrieve file data from files and save it in separate collections. When I run the application it gives the following error. I couldn't resolve it. Can anyone help me to do this?
Description: Parameter 2 of constructor in com.bezkoder.spring.jwt.mongodb.SpringBootSecurityJwtMongodbApplication required a bean of type 'com.bezkoder.spring.jwt.mongodb.models.LogRecordCollection' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'com.bezkoder.spring.jwt.mongodb.models.LogRecordCollection' in your configuration. Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
@CrossOrigin(origins = "*", maxAge = 3600) @RestController @RequestMapping("/api/auth/log") public class LogRecordController { @Autowired LogRecordRepository logRecordRepository; @GetMapping("") public ResponseEntity<?> getAllLogRecordsByLogFileId(@RequestParam("fileId") String fileId) { try{ LogRecordCollection logRecordCollection = new LogRecordCollection(); logRecordCollection.setCollectionName(fileId); // List<LogRecord> logRecords = logRecordRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(1, 10, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.ASC, "no"))).getContent(); List<LogRecord> logRecords = logRecordRepository.findAll(); return ResponseEntity.ok().body(logRecords); }catch (Exception e){ return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED).body(e.getMessage()); } } }
@SpringBootApplication @CrossOrigin(origins = "*", maxAge = 3600) @RestController @RequestMapping("/api/auth/logFile") public class SpringBootSecurityJwtMongodbApplication { public SpringBootSecurityJwtMongodbApplication(LogFileRepository logfileRepo, LogRecordRepository logrecordRepo, LogRecordCollection logrecordColl) { this.logfileRepo = logfileRepo; this.logrecordRepo = logrecordRepo; this.logrecordColl = logrecordColl; } public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(SpringBootSecurityJwtMongodbApplication.class, args); } @Bean public ApplicationRunner runner(FTPConfiguration.GateFile gateFile) { return args -> { List<File> files = gateFile.mget("."); for (File file : files) { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); System.out.println("Result:" + file.getAbsolutePath()); run(file, arr); } }; } void run(File file, JSONArray arr) throws IOException { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); Pcap pcap = Pcap.openStream(file); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String fileName = file.getName(); pcap.loop( packet -> { String Time = null; String Source = null; String Destination = null; String dataProtocol = null; Long Length = null; if (packet.hasProtocol(Protocol.TCP)) { TCPPacket packet1 = (TCPPacket) packet.getPacket(Protocol.TCP); Time = formatter.format(new Date(packet1.getArrivalTime() / 1000)); Source = packet1.getSourceIP(); Destination = packet1.getDestinationIP(); dataProtocol = packet1.getProtocol().toString(); Length = packet1.getTotalLength(); } else if (packet.hasProtocol(Protocol.UDP)) { UDPPacket packet1 = (UDPPacket) packet.getPacket(Protocol.UDP); Time = formatter.format(new Date(packet1.getArrivalTime() / 1000)); Source = packet1.getSourceIP(); Destination = packet1.getDestinationIP(); dataProtocol = packet1.getProtocol().toString(); Length = packet1.getTotalLength(); } else { System.out.println("Not found protocol. | " + packet.getProtocol()); } obj.put("Time", Time); obj.put("Source", Source); obj.put("Destination", Destination); obj.put("Protocol", dataProtocol); obj.put("Length", Length); arr.add(obj); return packet.getNextPacket() != null; } ); System.out.println(arr); System.out.println(fileName); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); String now = String.valueOf(calendar.getTime()); LogFile data =logfileRepo.save(new LogFile("", fileName, now)); String collectionName = data.getFileName(); System.out.println(collectionName); //Converting jsonData string into JSON object //Creating an empty ArrayList of type Object ArrayList<Object> listdata = new ArrayList<>(); //Checking whether the JSON array has some value or not if (arr != null) { //Iterating JSON array for (int i=0;i<arr.size();i++){ //Adding each element of JSON array into ArrayList listdata.add(arr.get(i)); } } logrecordColl.setCollectionName(collectionName); listdata.addAll(logrecordRepo.findAll()); } private final LogFileRepository logfileRepo; private final LogRecordRepository logrecordRepo; private final LogRecordCollection logrecordColl; }
import com.bezkoder.spring.jwt.mongodb.models.LogRecord; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository; public interface LogRecordRepository extends MongoRepository<LogRecord, String>{ }
public class LogRecordCollection { private static String collectionName = "undefined"; public static String getCollectionName(){ return collectionName; } public void setCollectionName(String collectionName){ this.collectionName = collectionName; } }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66979411/application-failed-to-start-when-i-try-to-work-with-mongodb-and-springboot April 07, 2021 at 12:05PM