
Any clues on this Unity code not working?

I have this function here to duplicate a UIPanel(Prefab) and its components. It duplicates, then succesfully assigns a objectname and enable/disable the Interactable setting of the button component. But the part where it sets the ''OnClick'' on my button does not work. I dont understand as I can play with other options of this button component...

Yes the function Click exists. Yes I included my using using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.UI;

Any Help? Thanks.

public Text Title;  public Button Btn;    public void CreateEventSquares(string keyval, string valueval)  {      string Event = (keyval);      string Link = (valueval);      Debug.Log("Event :" + Event + "Link is :" + Link);      NewPanel = Instantiate(Event0);      NewPanel.transform.SetParent(EventPanel.transform);      NewPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);      NewPanel.name = keyval;        //Sets the button action to trigger Click function (Not Working)      Btn = NewPanel.GetComponent<Button>();      Btn.onClick.AddListener(Click);      Btn.interactable = false;        //Sets the title same as keyval (This Works)      Title = NewPanel.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();      Title.text = keyval;    }  


public void Click()  {  //do This  }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66996032/any-clues-on-this-unity-code-not-working April 08, 2021 at 09:05AM

