
algorithm to convert one currency to another using api

I am making a currency exchange app. Its very simple. However, i have been struggling to implement and come up with coding logic to convert from one currency to another.In the convertCurrency is where i am trying to make the code function. I did alot of erasing and rewriting. What you see in convertCurrency does not work. I am running out of ideas. Any help, ideas?

function exchangeRate() {                fetch(`https://v6.exchangerate-api.com/v6/${apiKey}/latest/USD`)                    .then(response => {                  return response.json()                    }).then(data => {                  console.log(data)                  let jsonData = data.conversion_rates;                  const newArr = Object.keys(jsonData);                  appendData(newArr)                  convertCurrency(newArr, jsonData, data)              }).catch(err => {                  console.log(err)              })                const appendData = (newArr) => {              //console.log(newArr);              let output = ''              for (let i = 0; i < newArr.length; i++) {                  output = `<option>${newArr[i]}</option>`;                  fromCurrency.innerHTML += output                  toCurrency.innerHTML += output              }          }                    //get fromCurrency and toCurrency          const convertCurrency= (newArr, jsonData, data) => {              let input = userInput.value;              console.log(input);                            let monetaryVal = jsonData              console.log(monetaryVal);                            for (const key in monetaryVal) {                  //console.log(`${key}: ${monetaryVal[key]}`)                  let fromCurrency = monetaryVal[key] * input;                  console.log(fromCurrency)                  let toCurrency = monetaryVal[key];                                }                }          convertCurrency()                    convertBtn.addEventListener('click', e => {              convertCurrency();              e.preventDefault()             })      }      exchangeRate();  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67238965/algorithm-to-convert-one-currency-to-another-using-api April 24, 2021 at 11:03AM

