
Whats up with this non virtual function after it gets decompiled?

So I decided to try my hand at Ghidra decompiling / disassembling a simple c++ class with a virtual function and a non virtual function. However; the decompilation confused me a bit. Below, is both my source and my decompilation. What I do not understand is why the call to the non virtual function consists of parameters such as the printed string and these 3 other weird parameters. What are these other parameters? I can only assume one them is the "This" pointer ? If so, what are the other two?

compiled on visual studio 2k17 x64 release no pdb


#include <iostream>  #include <stdio.h>    class Person  {  public:      Person(int val)      {          myval = val;      }        void PersonFunction()      {          printf("this is a person func/n");      }        virtual void PersonFunction2()      {          printf("this is a person func2/n");      }    protected:      int myval = 5;  };  


undefined8  FUN_140001080(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined8 param_4)    {    code **ppcVar1;        ppcVar1 = (code **)operator_new(0x10);    *ppcVar1 = (code *)Person::vftable;    *(undefined4 *)(ppcVar1 + 1) = 10;    FUN_1400010e0((longlong *)cout_exref);    FUN_140001010("this is a person func/n",param_2,param_3,param_4); #what is going on here.. why 3 params?    (**(code **)*ppcVar1)(ppcVar1);    return 0;  }    // furthermore inside FUN140001010  void FUN_140001010(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined8 param_4)    {    undefined8 uVar1;    undefined8 *puVar2;    undefined8 local_res10;    undefined8 local_res18;    undefined8 local_res20;        local_res10 = param_2;    local_res18 = param_3;    local_res20 = param_4;    uVar1 = __acrt_iob_func(1);    puVar2 = (undefined8 *)FUN_140001000();    __stdio_common_vfprintf(*puVar2,uVar1,param_1,0,&local_res10);    return;  }  

Can anyone explain whats going on with the function that takes my string and three params? What are the params? Why pass the string?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66501629/whats-up-with-this-non-virtual-function-after-it-gets-decompiled March 06, 2021 at 09:50AM

