This code checks if two strings for an anagram. Can you please explain how it works what is it even doing.
#include <stdio.h> int t[256],i; int main(int c) { for(;c+3;) (i=getchar())>10?t[i]+=c:(c-=2); for(i=257;--i&&!t[i-1];); puts(i?"false":"true"); }
Here's what I've understood while poking at the source code: Its maintaining an array t[], and storing values at index = character's ascii value. The value stored is 1 for the first string's characters and -1 for the second string's characters. If a character is in both the strings, the value stored in it is zero. 1 + (-1). The first for loop is the input.
can you explain what this loop is checking, and how does it set up the value of variable i : for(i=257;--i&&!t[i-1];);
Code from: March 06, 2021 at 09:21AM