
Webpack4 thread-loader bring little optimization for babel-loader. Is something wrong, or why?

As mentioned in Webpack docs and many information that introducing how to improve webpack build speed, thread-loader can obviously improve the build speed of babel-loader.

But when I try it in my project, it seems like that thread-loader does not bring any optimization for babel-loader.

I use speed-measure-webpack-plugin to measure build speed, and there are the code and result of my test.

my device: Macbook Pro (15-inch, 2018, 6-core, 12-thread)

version information:

{    "webpack": "^4.41.2",    "thread-loader": "^3.0.1",    "babel-loader": "^8.2.2",    "webpack-preprocessor-loader": "^1.1.3",  }    

Before using thread-loader for babel-loader, code of webpack.config.js:

// thread-loader rule:    {    test: /\.(jsx?)$/,    exclude: [      /node_modules/,    ],    use: [      {        loader: 'babel-loader',        options: {          babelrc: true,          cacheDirectory: true,          rootMode: 'upward',        }      }, {        loader: 'webpack-preprocessor-loader',        options: {          params: env        }      }]  }  

Time cost:

 SMP  ⏱  Loaders  thread-loader, and  babel-loader, and  webpack-preprocessor-loader took 15.71 secs    module count = 315  


// thread-loader warmup:  const threadLoader = require('thread-loader');  const threadLoaderOptions = {    poolTimeout: 2000,    name: 'thread-loader-for-babel'  }    threadLoader.warmup(threadLoaderOptions, [    'webpack-preprocessor-loader',    'babel-loader'  ]);    // thread-loader rule:  {    test: /\.(jsx?)$/,    exclude: [      /node_modules/,    ],    use: [      {        loader: 'thread-loader',        options: threadLoaderOptions      },      {        loader: 'babel-loader',        options: {          babelrc: true,          cacheDirectory: true,          rootMode: 'upward',        }      }, {        loader: 'webpack-preprocessor-loader',        options: {          params: env        }      }]  }  

Time cost:

 SMP  ⏱  Loaders  thread-loader, and  babel-loader, and  webpack-preprocessor-loader took 14.64 secs    module count = 313  

So, is there something wrong? or if this is reasonable, then why?

thanks in advance. :)

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66885029/webpack4-thread-loader-bring-little-optimization-for-babel-loader-is-something March 31, 2021 at 05:28PM

