
Using group by and joins in sequelize not getting sum original score column of included models column

I have a Score table which belongs to the users table user can have many Score I want query all user with company id and want to total all their scores in original_score

below is Sequelize query

            let data = await sequelize.Users.findAll({                  where: {                      company_id: req.body.company_id                  },                  attributes: [                      [db.Sequelize.fn('sum', db.Sequelize.col('Scores.original_score')), 'original_score']                  ],                    include: [                      {                          model: sequelize.Score,                          attributes: []                      }                  ],                  group: ["Users.id", "Scores.id"],                  attributes:                  {                      exclude: ["token", "game_json"]                  },              })  

Raw Query

SELECT "Users"."id", "Users"."name", "Users"."unique_id", "Users"."email", "Users"."department", "Users"."region", "Users"."device_id", "Users"."age", "Users"."gender", "Users"."education", "Users"."country_id", "Users"."company_id", "Users"."licence_id", "Users"."batch_id", "Users"."level_access", "Users"."password", "Users"."role", "Users"."signup_token", "Users"."user_type", "Users"."is_active", "Users"."is_tutorial_finshed", "Users"."volume", "Users"."progress", "Users"."last_chapter", "Users"."createdAt", "Users"."updatedAt" FROM "Users" AS "Users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Score" AS "Scores" ON "Users"."id" = "Scores"."user_id" WHERE "Users"."company_id" = 2 GROUP BY "Users"."id", "Scores"."id";  

I am getting data like below from above query but it doesn't include original_score

{              "id": 4,              "name": "userUpdate",              "unique_id": "61884ff1-466f-429e-a359-9879073054fc",              "role": "USER",              "signup_token": null,              "user_type": "user",              "is_active": true,              "is_tutorial_finshed": null,              "volume": null,              "progress": null,              "last_chapter": null,              "createdAt": "2021-03-23T14:05:53.963Z",              "updatedAt": "2021-03-25T16:34:01.840Z"          },  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66807202/using-group-by-and-joins-in-sequelize-not-getting-sum-original-score-column-of-i March 26, 2021 at 04:32AM

