This is a small but crucial error because it affects the code where you have to give a specific 'not found message'....but the problem might also lie with the fact that i'm using csv files. In this code I specified that 'not found' must be printed only if the record is not found, but it keeps printing anyways.
import csv with open('data.csv','w') as f: ans='y' while ans=='y': s=csv.writer(f) g=int(input("Enter GR number:")) n=input("Enter name:") m=float(input("Enter total marks:")) s.writerow([g,n,m]) print() ans=input('Enter more?') with open('data.csv','r') as f: print("SEARCHING FOR GR NUMBER") print() gr=int(input('Enter GR number to search:')) s=list(csv.reader(f)) for i in s: if str(gr) in i: print(i) if str(gr) not in i: print('Record not found')
Enter GR number:234 Enter name:Mia Enter total marks:80 Enter more?y Enter GR number:456 Enter name:Mark Enter total marks:80 Enter more?n SEARCHING FOR GR NUMBER Enter GR number to search:234 ['234', 'Mia', '80.0'] Record not found
I have even tried other methods to print not found...but the same error occurs anyways lol. Any help appreciated. Thanks! March 28, 2021 at 10:50AM