Hello I am having the below error in my code. I really really appreciate any help! This is the error output
Error: The argument type 'Null Function(Reaction, int)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'dynamic Function(Reaction, int, bool)'.
- 'Reaction' is from 'package:flutter_reaction_button/src/reaction.dart' ('../../../flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_reaction_button-1.0.7+3/lib/src/reaction.dart'). onReactionChanged: (reaction, isChecked) { and
Error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'. if (isChecked) { ^
^ return FlutterReactionButtonCheck( onReactionChanged: (reaction, isChecked) { setState(() { post.myReaction = Reaction( id: reaction.id, icon: reaction.icon, previewIcon: reaction.previewIcon); }); if (isChecked) { bool isNewReaction = false; SocialReactionModel postReaction = _reactionsList.firstWhere( (element) => element.postID == post.id, orElse: () { isNewReaction = true; String reactionString = getReactionString(reaction.id); SocialReactionModel newReaction = SocialReactionModel( postID: post.id, createdAt: Timestamp.now(), reactionAuthorID: MyAppState.currentUser.userID, reaction: reactionString); _reactionsList.add(newReaction); return newReaction; }); if (isNewReaction) { setState(() { post.reactionsCount++; }); fireStoreUtils.postReaction( postReaction, post); } else { postReaction.reaction = getReactionString(reaction.id); postReaction.createdAt = Timestamp.now(); fireStoreUtils.updateReaction( postReaction, post); } } else { _reactionsList.removeWhere( (element) => element.postID == post.id); setState(() { post.reactionsCount--; }); fireStoreUtils.removeReaction(post); } },
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66501704/the-argument-type-null-functionreaction-int-cant-be-assigned-to-the-parame March 06, 2021 at 10:07AM