I don't know what I'm doing wrong to connect with MySQL database...
class DaoImportantInfo: def __init__(self, db=None): self.db = db self.config = ConfigConnection() self.tabelas = TabelasConfig() def getAll(self): self.db.connect() cursor = self.db.cursor() strComando = f"""SELECT tetosPrevId, dataValidade, valor FROM {self.tabelas.tblTetosPrev} ORDER BY dataValidade DESC""" try: cursor.execute(strComando) logPrioridade(f'SELECT<getAllTetos>____________{self.tabelas.tblTetosPrev};', TipoEdicao.select, Prioridade.saidaComun) return cursor.fetchall() except: raise Warning(f'Erro SQL - getAllTetos({self.config.banco}) <INSERT {self.tabelas.tblTetosPrev}>') finally: self.disconectBD(cursor) def disconectBD(self, cursor): cursor.close() self.db.close()
I have a DaoImportantInfo class, who has the connection and some configuration properties, a method getAll who returns all info in tblTetosPrev table and disconnectBD that shold turn off the connection.
The weird situation is that every time I call getAll it takes more time to fetch all the data. The first time it takes less than one second, then, in second time, it takes 2 seconds, then 19 seconds...
I read that is important to close the connection after execute a script, so I don't know what is the problem. Can anybody help me?
I'm using Python 3.8 and Linux PopOs.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66897464/pymysql-is-getting-slower-each-consult-at-database April 01, 2021 at 09:52AM