The line
Concat((a,b)) -> let x = regexp_to_nfa a and y = regexp_to_nfa b in match x.fs with [t] ->
brings up the error "this pattern matches values of type regexp_t but a pattern was expected which matches values of type int list * int list" with Concat((a,b)) underlined. Why would the compiler think int list * int list needs to be matched when a, b clearly need type regexp_t for the regexp_to_nfa function to use them?
For reference, these are the types I'm working with and the code of the function I'm trying to debug:
type ('q, 's) transition = 'q * 's option * 'q type ('q, 's) nfa_t = { sigma : 's list; qs : 'q list; q0 : 'q; fs : 'q list; delta : ('q, 's) transition list; } type regexp_t = | Empty_String | Char of char | Union of regexp_t * regexp_t | Concat of regexp_t * regexp_t | Star of regexp_t let fresh = let cntr = ref 0 in fun () -> cntr := !cntr + 1 ; !cntr let rec regexp_to_nfa (regexp: regexp_t) : (int, char) nfa_t = match regexp with Empty_String -> let x = fresh() and y = fresh() in {sigma = []; qs = [x;y]; q0 = x; fs = [y]; delta = []}| Char(a) -> let x = fresh() and y = fresh() in {sigma = [a]; qs = [x;y]; q0 = x; fs = [y]; delta = [(x,Some a,y)]}| Union((a,b)) -> let x = regexp_to_nfa a and y = regexp_to_nfa b and r = fresh() and s = fresh() in match (x.fs, y.fs) with ([t],[u]) -> {sigma = Sets.union x.sigma y.sigma; qs = Sets.union (Sets.union x.qs y.qs) [r;s]; q0 = r; fs = [s]; delta = Sets.union (Sets.union [(r, None, x.q0); (r,None,y.q0); (t,None,s); (u,None,s)]}| Concat((a,b)) -> let x = regexp_to_nfa a and y = regexp_to_nfa b in match x.fs with [t] -> {sigma = Sets.union x.sigma y.sigma; qs = Sets.union x.qs y.qs; q0 = x.q0; fs = y.fs; delta = Sets.union (Sets.union [(t,None,y.q0)]} | Star(a) -> let x = regexp_to_nfa a and r = fresh() and s = fresh() in match x.fs with [t] -> {sigma = x.sigma; qs = Sets.union x.qs [r;s]; q0 = r; fs = [s]; delta = Sets.union [(r, None, x.q0);(r,None,s);(s,None,r);(t, None, r)]} March 31, 2021 at 09:05AM