
Multipart form component "cannot POST / divespotform" not working parse issue / CSP

I have a multipart form that I am nearly finished working on that is still not posting to my backend database. If I am getting content-security policy issues could this be to do with the fact that I am not parsing my two ID fields as ints? (I have to figure out how to use parseINT properly).

Could the Content Security error messages just be to do with the POST failing then the page not reloading properly? Instead of returning to the form I am just seeing a "Cannot POST / divespotform" message on screen. Where should I have a function to catch an error on submission to go back to the form?

The two text fields and file field look like they are being sent in the request correctly. Is the random pink/blue/black/red symbols the image being sent to the backend? I just want to store the url rather than save the image on my database (isn't this base64?) I take it even if I am only storing the url in my database the image will always be sent to the backend so it will always be sent this way? Should I be splitting my different types of data in my action int/text/file in some way?

enter image description here

enter image description here

error message

enter image description here

form component

 const [spot, setSpot] = useState({          diveLocation: "",          diveRegionID: parseInt(``),          diveTypeID: parseInt(``),          diveSpotDescription: "",          diveSpotPhotos: "",          error: ''      });        // all onChange functions do the exact same thing, so you only need one      // pass to a component like onChange={handleChange('typeID')}      const handleChange = (property) => (e) => {          setSpot({              // override the changed property and keep the rest              ...spot,              [property]: e.target.value,          });      }        // get access to dispatch      const dispatch = useDispatch();        // useEffect with an empty dependency array is the same as componentDidMount      useEffect(() => {          dispatch(requireFieldData());      }, []);        const handleSubmitDiveSpot = () => {            let diveSpot = new FormData()            const diveSpot = {              diveLocation: spot.diveLocation || undefined,              diveRegionID: spot.diveRegionID || undefined,              diveSpotTypeID: spot.diveSpotTypeID || undefined,              diveSpotDescription: spot.diveSpotDescription || undefined,              diveSpotPhotos: spot.diveSpotPhotos || undefined          }            // do some stuff with the form          createDiveSpot(diveSpot).then((data) => {              const newSpot = data.error                  ? {...spot, error: data.error}                  : {...spot, error: '', open: true};              setSpot(newSpot);              dispatch(addDiveSpot(newSpot));          })      }          const classes = useStyles;        return (            // <AppBar title="Enter your dive details"></AppBar>          <form className="diveSpotForm" method="POST" encType="multipart/form-data" onSubmit={handleSubmitDiveSpot}>              <>                  <Grid container spacing={3}                        direction="row"                        justify="center"                        alignItems="center">                      <Grid item xs={4}>                      <FormControl className={classes.formControl}>                          <PopulateDropdown                              dataList={diveTypeList}                              titleProperty={"diveType"} // option label property                              valueProperty={"diveTypeID"} // option value property                              name="diveType"                              placeholder="Dive Type"                              label="Select Dive Type"                              value={spot.diveTypeID}                              onChange={handleChange("diveTypeID")}/>                      </FormControl>                      </Grid>                      <br />                     ........                        <br />                      <Grid item xs={10}>                          <FormControl fullWidth className={classes.margin}>                              <TextField                                  label="Description"                                  name="diveSpotDescription"                                  value={spot.diveSpotDescription}                                  onChange={handleChange("diveSpotDescription")}                                  multiline                                  rowsMax={6}/>                          </FormControl>                      </Grid>                      <br />                      <Grid item xs={12}>                          <FormControl fullWidth className={classes.margin}>                              <label for="photos">Photo Upload</label>                              <input                                  type="file"                                  name="photo"                                  value={spot.diveSpotPhotos}                                  onChange={handleChange("diveSpotPhotos")}/>                          </FormControl>                      </Grid>                      <br />                      <Grid item xs={3}>                          <Button variant="primary" type="submit">                              Submit</Button>                          <br />                      </Grid>                  </Grid>              </>          </form>  


export const createDiveSpot = async (diveSpot) => {      try {          let response = await fetch('http://localhost:5002/api/divespot/createdivespot', {              method: 'POST',              headers: {                  "Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"              },              body: new FormData(diveSpot)          })          return await response.json()      } catch(err) {          console.log(err)      }  }  


exports.createDiveSpot = async (req, res) => {      try {          console.log(req.diveSpot);            // if (req.diveSpot == undefined) {          //     return res.send(`You must select a file.`);          // }            diveSpot.create({              diveLocation: req.diveSpot.diveLocation,              diveRegionID: req.diveSpot.diveRegionID,              diveSpotTypeID: req.diveSpot.diveSpotTypeID,              diveSpotDescription: req.diveSpot.diveSpotDescription,              diveSpotPhotos: fs.readFileSync(                  __basedir + "/assets/" + req.file.filename              ),          }).then((diveSpot) => {              fs.writeFileSync(                  __basedir + "/assets/"              );                return res.send(`File has been uploaded.`);          });      } catch (error) {          console.log(error);          return res.send(`Error when trying upload images: ${error}`);      }  };  


app.post('/api/divespot/createdivespot', upload.single("diveSpotPhotos"), controller.createDiveSpot);  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66847865/multipart-form-component-cannot-post-divespotform-not-working-parse-issue March 29, 2021 at 09:56AM

