
Mapping over Menu objects causing multiple menus to open due to state

I'm having an issue with my Material UI <Menu>. Basically, I'm mapping over a <Card> to display some data and interface functionality. I'm trying to add a <IconButton> on each card. Once, clicked, the button opens a menu. Currently the issue I'm facing is, when I click on the IconButton, all menu's open up on top of each other (due to mapping over menu items with the same state prop).

                                 <CardHeader                                         action={                                          <>                                          <IconButton                                               onClick={handleClick}                                              aria-label="settings">                                                  <MoreVertIcon />                                              </IconButton>                                              <Menu                                                  id="simple-menu"                                                  anchorEl={anchorEl}                                                  keepMounted                                                  open={Boolean(anchorEl)}                                                  onClose={handleClose}                                              >                                                  <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Edit </MenuItem>                                                  <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Delete</MenuItem>                                              </Menu>                                          </>                                      }                                    />  

enter image description here

You can tell due to the large shadow behind the Menu, that's not CSS by choice... thats all my menus stacked up from my <Card> component. I know the culprit is having one open close state property. Is there any "quickfix" to this solution? I can't hardcode the states themselves.

Here is the rest of the code where I return my map function that produces <Card>. Please check my <CardHeader>. Note that I have two <CardHeaders>, that's because I have a conditional that dictates which CardHeader to use for the card.

const UserBuckets = (props) => {          const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState(null);        const handleClick = (event) => {        setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget);      };          const handleClose = () => {        setAnchorEl(null);      };          if (!buckets || buckets.length === 0) return <p>Can not find any buckets, make one below!</p>;      return (          <React.Fragment style=>              <Container style= maxWidth="md" component="main">                  <Grid container spacing={5} alignItems="stretch">                      {buckets.map((bucket) =>                      {                      return (                          <Grid item key={bucket.id} xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={4}>                              <Card                              className={classes.root}                              classes=                              onMouseOver={() => setState({ shadow: 3 })}                              onMouseOut={() => setState({ shadow: 1 })}                              zdepth={state.shadow}                              style=                              >                              {(!bucket || bucket.stock_list === null) &&                                  <CardHeader className={classes.bucketTitle} classes=                                          title={                                              <>                                              <Link                                                   color="textPrimary"                                                  href={'dash/' + bucket.slug}                                                  className={classes.link}                                                  style=                                              >                                                  {bucket.name.substr(0, 50)}                                              </Link>                                              </>                                          }                                          subheader="Add Stocks to get started!"                                          action={                                              <>                                              <IconButton                                                   onClick={handleClick}                                                  aria-label="settings">                                                      <MoreVertIcon />                                                  </IconButton>                                                  <Menu                                                      id="simple-menu"                                                      anchorEl={anchorEl}                                                      keepMounted                                                      open={Boolean(anchorEl)}                                                      onClose={handleClose}                                                      style=                                                      elevation={0}                                                  >                                                      <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Edit </MenuItem>                                                      <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Delete</MenuItem>                                                  </Menu>                                              </>                                          }                              />}                              {bucket && bucket.stock_list != null &&                                  <CardHeader className="cardHeaderBucket"                                       title={bucket.name.substr(0, 20)}                                      subheader={bucket.about}                                      action={                                          <>                                          <IconButton                                               onClick={handleClick}                                              aria-label="settings">                                                  <MoreVertIcon />                                              </IconButton>                                              <Menu                                                  id="simple-menu"                                                  anchorEl={anchorEl}                                                  keepMounted                                                  open={Boolean(anchorEl)}                                                  onClose={handleClose}                                              >                                                  <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Edit </MenuItem>                                                  <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Delete</MenuItem>                                              </Menu>                                          </>                                      }                                      style=                                  />}                                                                    <CardContent className={classes.cardContent}>                                      {(!bucket || bucket.bucket_pos_neg === null) &&                                      <p style= >                                          Your Bucket is empty...                                      </p>}                                      {bucket && bucket.bucket_pos_neg != null &&                                              <div className={classes.bucketText}>                                      <Grid>                                      <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="textSecondary">                                                      {/* {bucket.stock_list.join(",").substr(0, 15)}... */}                                                      {"Total Stocks: " + bucket.stock_count}                                      </Typography>                                      <Typography variant="overline">                                          Return Donut                                                      </Typography>                                      <BucketDoughnutDisplay data={bucket.bucket_pos_neg} />                                      </Grid>                                      </div>                                              }                                     </CardContent>                                                            </Card>                          </Grid>                                           );                                                    })}                  </Grid>              </Container>          </React.Fragment>      );  };  

How can I fix my Menu to be unique for each individual card? My one state for all approach is causing major issues. Thank you for the help.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66898297/mapping-over-menu-objects-causing-multiple-menus-to-open-due-to-state April 01, 2021 at 12:08PM

