
Make matrix table in MySQL

i want the table to display like this

no  nasabah   tanggal     saldo    debit_kredit  rekening  0    KIKI     4/11/2021   150000      150000      111342                            149999        -1  1    WAWAN    4/11/2021   150000      150000      111342  

but instead appear this way

no  nasabah   tanggal     saldo    debit_kredit  rekening  NULL                      149999        -1          0  0    KIKI     4/11/2021   150000      150000      111342                       1    WAWAN    4/11/2021   150000      150000      111342  

this is the code I use

ADOQuery1->Close();  ADOQuery1->SQL->Clear();  ADOQuery1->ConnectionString=("Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=root;Data Source=Bsfti;");  ADOQuery1->SQL->Add("INSERT INTO data_nasabah (NO, NASABAH, TANGGAL, SALDO, DEBIT_KREDIT, REKENING) values ('" +Edit8->Text+ "','" +Edit1->Text+ "','" +Date()+ "','" +Edit2->Text+ "','" +ns[n].dk[0]+ "','" +rekening[n]+ "')");  ADOQuery1->ExecSQL();    //------------------------------------------------------------------    ADOQuery1->Close();  ADOQuery1->SQL->Clear();  ADOQuery1->SQL->Add("SELECT * FROM data_nasabah WHERE REKENING='"+Edit5->Text+"'");  ADOQuery1->Open();  ADOQuery1->ExecSQL();  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66898003/make-matrix-table-in-mysql April 01, 2021 at 11:21AM

