I haven't been able to find anything relating to an action to submit an update request when we click away. Something like wire:clickaway = "update( )"
Essentially, I am trying to create the effect of when a user clicks on the title, it will open an input box. Than when user clicks away, it will save the data that has been updated in the box.
Right now, I got this working with a checkmark icon appearing when the edit is true using Alpine
<div x-data="{edit : false}" > <h2 @click="edit = true" x-show="edit === false" > </h2> <div x-show="edit === true"> <input name="title" type="text" placeholder="" wire:model="title" > <i class="bi bi-check " wire:click="update()" @click="edit = false"></i> </div> </div>
I wanted to change this to something like
<div x-data="{edit : false}" > <h2 @click="edit = true" x-show="edit === false" > </h2> <input x-show="edit === true" name="title" type="text" placeholder="" wire:model="title" wire:clickaway="update()" @click.away="edit = false" > </div>
Is there a way to pass the submit of update()
using the Alpine JS @click.away