
Idea on how to add another process

I am having trouble adding another process; if the countup and countdown are equal to one, it will report the device is on.

The question is, Where should I add another process that when the variable reaches "1" it will print "the device is on"?

architecture sim of T09_SensitivityListTb is      signal CountUp : integer :=0;       --counter      signal CountDown : integer :=10;        --counter  begin      process is                begin                    CountUp <= CountUp + 1;     --increment the countup signal          CountDown <= CountDown - 1; --decrement the countdown signal          wait for 10 ns;  --remember no process can be left without the wait statement      end process;             process is      -- process triggered using wait on      begin                    if CountUp = CountDown then     --the program will evaluated on this part               report "Process A: Jackpot!";          end if;                    wait on CountUp, CountDown;     --but will pause until either of the signals change and loop back to the evaluated process                end process;        --equivalent process using sensitivity list      process (CountUp, CountDown)      --write here the signals you want the process to be sensitive      begin            if CountUp = CountDown then              report "Process B Jackpot!";          end if;      end process;         end architecture;  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66746010/idea-on-how-to-add-another-process March 22, 2021 at 08:26PM

