I have many (hundreds) of elements on the screen that I want to display a tooltip for. I do not want to have tippy instances for every element instead I want to use only one instance and change its target.
So every time when "mouseOver" is triggered, I run tippy(target, …) for the html-element that triggered the event resulting in a new tippy instance. When the mouse leaves the element I destroy the tippy instance using the "onUntrigger" event.
Since I have "interactive" true, if the mouse leaves the html element only a little bit (less than the interactiveBorder size) and goes back over the element a new tippy instance is created. When we leave the element for good the instance is destroyed but somehow one of the popper-instances is not destroyed. Next time when the mouse goes over that element and the tooltip is shown, I can see in Developer Tools / Elements that there are two DIV elements with data-tippy-root directive.
Is this the right way to use Tippy with a large number of HTML elements?
private tooltipEl: HTMLElement; // a DIV that contains an Angular component that has @Input('data') data: IData private tippyInstances: Instance[]; public data: IData; ngAfterViewInit() { this.tooltipEl = document.querySelector("#tooltip"); } private instantiateTippy = (target: string) => { this.tippyInstances = tippy(target, { content: this.tooltipEl, theme: "light-border", arrow: true, interactive: true, interactiveBorder: 10, onUntrigger: this.onUntrigger, }); private onUntrigger = () => { this.destroyInstances(); } private destroyInstances = () => { this.tippyInstances.forEach(instance => instance.destroy()); this.tippyInstances = undefined; } public onMouseOver1 = () => { this.data = this.dataCollection[1]; this.instantiateTippy("#myButton1"); } public onMouseOver = () => { this.data = this.dataCollection[2]; this.instantiateTippy("#myButton2"); }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66609752/how-to-use-tippy-in-angular-for-a-large-number-of-elements-on-the-screen March 13, 2021 at 11:07AM