I have coded an AVL Tree and my logic for the rotations is correct but I am still not able to get it working properly. For rotations on the root node my rotations work properly but if the rotation is further down the tree, the parent node does not point to the new node that has been rotated into place and continues to point to the node that was in place before the rotation. I am pretty sure the issues lies with my insert method but I am not sure how to get the parent node to point to the new node when a rotation occurs. I know you can add a parent variable to fix this but I am wondering if there is a way to do it without that.
For example 10 10 10 / \ / \ instead of / \ 8 12 Rotates to -> 8 12 6 12 / \ \ / \ \ 6 14 14 4 8 14 / 4 and 6 are lost 4
class MyAVL(): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.left = None self.right = None self.height = 0 self.balf = 0 def getLeft(self): return self.left def getRight(self): return self.right def getData(self): return self.data def getHeight(self): return self.height def heightCalc(self,node): if node is None: return -1 else: return max(self.heightCalc(node.left), self.heightCalc(node.right)) + 1 def getBalanceFactor(self): return self.balf def balCheck(self, node): if node is None: return -1 else: return self.heightCalc(node.left) - self.heightCalc(node.right) def insert(self, data): if data is not None: if self.data is None: self.data = data else: if data < self.data: if self.left is None: self.left = MyAVL(data) else: self.left.insert(data) elif data >= self.data: if self.right is None: self.right = MyAVL(data) else: self.right.insert(data) self.height=self.heightCalc(self) self.balf = self.balCheck(self) if self.balf > 1: if self.left.getBalanceFactor() < 0: self.left = self.left.leftRotate() return self.rightRotate() else: return self.rightRotate() elif self.balf < -1: if self.right.getBalanceFactor() > 0: self.right = self.right.rightRotate() return self.leftRotate() else: return self.leftRotate() return self def leftRotate(self): temp = self.right temp2 = self.right.left self.right.left = self self.right = temp2 self.height = self.heightCalc(self) temp.height = self.heightCalc(temp) self.balf = self.balCheck(self) temp.balf = self.balCheck(temp) return temp def rightRotate(self): tmp = self.left tmp1 = self.left.right self.left.right = self self.left = tmp1 self.height = self.heightCalc(self) tmp.height = self.heightCalc(tmp) self.balf = self.balCheck(self) tmp.balf = self.balCheck(tmp) return tmp
#This example works properly test = MyAVL(10) test= test.insert(12) test = test.insert(8) print(test.data) #outputs 8 print(test.left.data) #outputs 7 print(test.right.data) #outputs 10 #In this case the rotation occurs but the parent node does not update its left child to the new node and still points to 8 test2 = MyAVL(10) test2 = test2.insert(12) test2 = test2.insert(8) test2 = test2.insert(14) test2 = test2.insert(6) test2 = test2.insert(4) print(test2.data)#outputs 10 print(test2.left.data)#outputs 8 but should be 6 #4 and 6 can no longer be accessed because they are lost
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66809427/how-to-implement-avl-tree-rotation March 26, 2021 at 08:28AM