These are authentication & refresh token API developed for a mobile app. Can anyone help to identify the response body for the refresh token API based on this codes? I am somehow confused of the full response body. I believe the final response would be:
{ "success":true, "message":"Refresh Token generated" }
But what is the full response before that?
@ApiOperation(value = "Authenticate", tags = {}) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, message = "The response body contains a boolean value and a message.", response = ResponseBase.class), @ApiResponse(code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, message = "Bad Request.", response = ResponseBase.class), @ApiResponse(code = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, message = "Login failed.", response = ResponseBase.class), @ApiResponse(code = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, message = "Make sure specify 'application/json' as the media type.", response = ResponseBase.class), @ApiResponse(code = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message = "Internal Server Error", response = ResponseBase.class) }) @RequestMapping(value = Constants.REST_API_AUTH, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<Object> createAuthenticationToken(@RequestBody @Valid AuthenticationRequest request) throws Exception { String msg = null; try { authenticationManager.authenticate( new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(request.getUsername(), request.getUsername()) ); } catch (BadCredentialsException e) { msg = "Incorrect username or password"; } catch (AccountStatusException e) { msg = e.getMessage(); } if (null != msg) { msg = "Login failed: " + msg; String detail = request.toString();; throw new RestApiException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, false, msg, detail); } if (smsUtil.isSGNumber(request.getUsername())) { String result = otpService.checkOtp(request.getUsername(), request.getPassword()); msg = "Login failed: OTP " + result; if (Constants.OTP_STATUS_EXP.equals(result) || Constants.OTP_STATUS_MIS.equals(result)) { throw new RestApiException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, false, msg, msg); } } final UserDetail userDetail = new UserDetail(request.getUsername(), ""); final String token = jwtTokenUtil.generateToken(userDetail); ResponseBase body = new ResponseBase(); msg = "Login successful";"{} : {}", msg, request); body.setSuccess(true); body.setMessage(msg); return httpUtil.createResponseEntityJson(HttpStatus.OK, httpUtil.createSecTokenHeader(token), body); } @GetMapping(value = Constants.REST_API_REFRESH_TOKEN) public ResponseEntity<Object> getRefreshToken(@RequestHeader(Constants.HTTP_AUTH_HEADER) String authHeader, HttpServletRequest request) {"Generate refresh token"); String token = httpUtil.extractSecurityToken(authHeader); ResponseBase body = new ResponseBase(); body.setSuccess(true); body.setMessage("Refresh Token generated"); String refreshToken; DefaultClaims claims = (io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultClaims) request.getAttribute("claims"); if(null == claims) { refreshToken = jwtTokenUtil.renewToken(token); } else { refreshToken = jwtTokenUtil.renewToken(claims); } return httpUtil.createResponseEntityJson(HttpStatus.OK, httpUtil.createSecTokenHeader(refreshToken), body); } } March 28, 2021 at 11:08AM