
How to convert time in string UTC time format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.MMMMMMSUTC to timestamp format and DDDDDDDDHHMMSS.MMMMMM:000 to interval format in C?

By running the command

wmic OS Get LastBootUpTime  

I get time in string UTC time format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.MMMMMMSUTC. If string is known to be timestamp, then convert it to timestamp format:

typedef struct _Timestamp  {      unsigned int year;      unsigned int month;      unsigned int day;      unsigned int hour;      unsigned int minute;      unsigned int second;      unsigned int microseconds;      signed int utc;  }  Timestamp;  

Eg: Time: 20210324111750.500000+330

if isTimestamp = true.

Timestamp.year = 2021  Timestamp.month = 03  Timestamp.day = 24  Timestamp.hour = 11  Timestamp.minute = 17  Timestamp.second = 50  Timestamp.microseconds = 500000  Timestamp.utc = +330  

If it is known to be in interval, convert string from DDDDDDDDHHMMSS.MMMMMM:000 format to interval format:

typedef struct _Interval  {      unsigned int days;      unsigned int hours;      unsigned int minutes;      unsigned int seconds;      unsigned int microseconds;      unsigned int __padding1;      unsigned int __padding2;      unsigned int __padding3;  }  Interval;  

Eg: Time: 00000324111750.500000:000

if isTimestamp = false.

Interval.days = 324  Interval.hours = 11  Interval.minutes = 17  Interval.seconds = 50  Interval.microseconds = 500000  Interval.__padding1 = 0  Interval.__padding2 = 0  Interval.__padding3 = 0  

Manually parsing the string seems to be a very long approach.

Can someone suggest C inbuilt functions to achieve this. or If there are functions readily available to convert char * to the above time formats.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66785383/how-to-convert-time-in-string-utc-time-format-yyyymmddhhmmss-mmmmmmsutc-to-times March 25, 2021 at 12:31AM

