I try to change the Producer meta data in my laravel project with barryvdh DomPDF with this code
$pdf = PDF::loadView('export.eport_template', $data) ->addInfo(['Producer'=>'The Producer XYZ']) ->setPaper('a4', 'portrait'); $tx_name = "Report_" . now()->timestamp . ".pdf"; $pdf->save(public_path() . '/storage/exports/' . $tx_name);
but after export, the property of the pdf on Producer is still "dompdf 0.8.6 + CPDF" How actualy to change the Producer meta data, because in penetration testing it lead to Excessive information in PDF Header
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66827394/how-to-change-meta-data-in-dompdf-laravel March 27, 2021 at 10:06AM