I want to print specific individualized object properties with this extension- Source: HERE
extension ExtendedIterable<E> on Iterable<E> { /// Like Iterable<T>.map but callback have index as second argument Iterable<T> mapIndex<T>(T f(E e, int i)) { var i = 0; return this.map((e) => f(e, i++)); } void forEachIndex(void f(E e, int i)) { var i = 0; this.forEach((e) => f(e, i++)); } }
I am saving user data from textFields into a Hive box.
When I do the following...
final box = Hive.box(personTable).values.toList(); final hiveBox = Hive.box(personTable); final indexingBox = box.mapIndex((e, i) => 'item$e index$i'); final Person person = hiveBox.getAt(0); print(person); print(indexingBox);
I get the following printed:
flutter: {John, Biggs, 34, Active} flutter: (item{John, Biggs, 34, Active} index0, item{Kostas, Panger, 76, Active} index1, item{Ben, Kenobi, 78, Deactivated} index2, ..., item{Luke, Skywalker, 45, Active} index5, item{Darth, Vader, 54, Active} index6)
I want to be able to enumerate selectively, each object property as I please.
This is what I want to be able to print:
- flutter: John. // index 0 firstName
- flutter: Kostas // index 1 firstName
- flutter: Vader // index 6 lastname
Class saving into Hive box:
import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; part 'person.g.dart'; @HiveType(typeId: 0) class Person { @HiveField(0) final String firstName; @HiveField(1) final String lastName; @HiveField(2) final String age; @HiveField(3) final String status; Income({ this.firstName, this.lastName, this.age, this.status, }); @override String toString() { return '{${this.firstName}, ${this.lastName}, ${this.age}, ${this.status}}'; } }
If I can't solve this once and for all my head may as well explode, this is part of a bigger picture of making a DataTable very simple and dynamically loading. Help is appreciated!
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66486853/how-can-i-output-my-object-properties-with-this-enumerating-extension-in-flutter March 05, 2021 at 12:38PM