
Give a list of bomb, each mine has 3 numbers, x, y coordinates and explosion range. Find the initial mine that can eventually detonate the most mines

Give a list of mines, each mine contains 3 numbers, x, y coordinates and explosion range . Find the initial mine that can eventually detonate the most mines and maximum number of mine it denotes.

the x, y coordinates can be negative numbers and all three numbers can be double.

I coded a dfs solution but got incorrect result. Does it seem like an ok implementation . Any inputs will be helpful.

List<Node> list;      RadiusBlast(List<Node> list){          this.list = list;      }        static boolean isInside(int circle_x, int circle_y,                              int rad, int x, int y)      {          // Compare radius of circle with          // distance of its center from          // given point          //System.out.println("source:"+ circle_x + "," + circle_y);          if ((x - circle_x) * (x - circle_x) +                  (y - circle_y) * (y - circle_y) <= rad * rad) {                //System.out.println("isInside:"+ x + "," + y);              return true;          }          else              return false;      }          public int dfs2(int i,Node node,boolean[] visited) {          //System.out.println("dfs");          visited[i] = true;          int res = 1;          for(Node newNode : list){              if(!visited[newNode.index]) {                  if (isInside(node.x, node.y, node.r, newNode.x, newNode.y))                      res += dfs2(newNode.index,node,visited);              }            }            return res;      }        static class Node{          int x,y,r ;          int index;          boolean depthvisited;          //boolean visited;            public Node(int x, int y, int r,int index) {              this.x = x;              this.y = y;              this.r = r;              this.index = index;          }      }        // Driver Program to test above function      public static void main(String arg[])      {          //RadiusBlast r = new RadiusBlast();            int x = -1, y = 3;          x = 2 ; y = 3;          int x1 = 2 ; int y2 = 3 ;            int circle_x = 0, circle_y = 7, rad = 5;           if (isInside(circle_x, circle_y, rad, x, y))              System.out.println("Inside1 main");          else              System.out.println("Outside");            if (isInside(circle_x, circle_y, rad, x1, y2))              System.out.println("Inside2 main");          else              System.out.println("Outside ");            //x1, y1, r1          // 2,3,3          // -1,3,2          // 3,2,5          List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();            list.add(new Node(2,3,3,0));          list.add(new Node(2,3,1,1));          list.add(new Node(0,7,5,2));            boolean[] visited;            RadiusBlast r = new RadiusBlast(list);          int res =0 ;          for(int i =0; i < list.size(); i++){                 visited = new boolean[list.size()];                 res = Math.max(res,r.dfs2(list.get(i).index,list.get(i),visited));                 //System.out.println("res:" + (res));          }          System.out.println("result:" + (res - 1));        }    
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66792612/give-a-list-of-bomb-each-mine-has-3-numbers-x-y-coordinates-and-explosion-ran March 25, 2021 at 11:25AM

