
Error with GCP Dual Region storage bucket

I have set my storage bucket as dual region NAM4 (US-CENTRAL1 and US-EAST1) https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/locations#location-dr while I have my cloud functions and everything else on us-east-1. When running a backup from a cloud function to this dual region bucket I am getting the following error:

Error: Bucket myapp-prod-backup.wekasolutions.co.nz is in location NAM4. This project can only operate on buckets spanning location us-east1 or us.      at Gaxios._request (/workspace/node_modules/google-auth-library/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js  

I'm guessing it will work if I use a us-east1 bucket but is there any way I can use a dual region bucket like this?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66792924/error-with-gcp-dual-region-storage-bucket March 25, 2021 at 12:06PM

