What I've tried to far is to use the comm command to list the files that are present in one of the directories and then write them in a txt file.
I want to then compare that txt file output to a default list.
comm -23 <(ll dir1/*war | sort) <(ll dir2/*war |sort) > text1.txt
The content of text1.txt has this
dir1/apples_version1.5.war dir1/oranges_version1.5.war
The content of list it's being compared to only has the base names
so: oranges.war apples.war
I want to be able to compare the generated list to the default list and get an output that would say
"Both files are there" or "This file is missing", regardless of the filename from the generated list
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66609738/compare-filenames-from-different-directory-and-then-compare-to-a-specific-list March 13, 2021 at 11:05AM