
Axios Chaining: POST, Query, and Post - Third in chain returning before second

I'm setting up oauth for a Slack application where I need to do the following

  1. Receive the Slack sign in redirect
  2. HTTPS POST to Slack getting an auth token
  3. Saving token in psql record
  4. Posting a message to Slack once

Problem: No matter how many times I try to format, step 4 is happening before step 3. I've tried just a bunch of .thens and now to this weird promise thing that I completely guessed on.

When I callout to the endpoint, my console.logs (redacted from snippet) do not show results from the query, resulting in an error returned from slack message code but a record has been created in the table.

{  .get(async(req, res) => {      let callCode = req.query.code;      let state = req.query.state;      var auth = new Oauth();      //prep params to send to slack api      var params = new URLSearchParams();      params.append('code', callCode);      params.append('client_id', process.env.SLACK_CLIENT_ID);      params.append('client_secret', process.env.SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET);          /********************      * GETS ACCESS TOKEN *       *********************/      axios.post('https://slack.com/api/oauth.v2.access', params)      .then(function(response){          var responseJSON = response.data;          auth.my_app_user_id = state;          auth.source_app = 'slack';          auth.source_user_id = responseJSON.authed_user.id;          auth.source_auth_token = responseJSON.access_token;          // CAN CONFIRM THAT AUTH IS POPULATED          return auth;      })      .then(async function(response){          var newAuth = response;          var auth = newAuth;          /*****************************          * INITIATE: GET ACCESS TOKEN *           *****************************/          insertOauth(newAuth)          .then((result) => {              /*****************************              * SEND SLACK MESSAGE         *               * THIS KEEPS HAPPENING       *              * BEFORE QUERY RESULT RETURNS*              *****************************/              sendSlackIntroMessage(result);          })          .catch(function(error){              console.log(error);          })      })        .catch(function(error){          console.log(error);      });  })}      /**********************  * INSERTS DATA INTO DB *   **********************/    var insertOauth = function(newAuth){  return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject){      //make api call to create auth record      try {          const client =  await pool.connect();          const result =  await client.query(`INSERT INTO oauth_tokens (my_app_user_id, source_app, source_user_id, source_auth_token, created_date, last_modified_date) VALUES(${newAuth.my_app_user_id}, '${newAuth.source_app}', '${newAuth.source_user_id}', '${newAuth.source_auth_token}', NOW(), NOW())`);          results = { 'results': (result) ? result.rows : null};          client.release();          resolve(results);      } catch (err) {          console.error(err.error);          reject(err);      }  });  }    /**********************  * SENDS SLACK MESSAGE *   **********************/  function sendSlackIntroMessage(auth){      var response = auth;      axios.post('https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage', {          token: response.source_auth_token,          channel: response.buoy_user_id,          text: "You've successfully connected Slack to Buoy! Using message actions, you may now create tasks from Slack messages. \n\n Be sure to invite @Buoy to channels which you will create tasks from."      })      .then(function(response){       if(response.data.ok == false){           return(res);       }       if(response.data.ok == true){           return(res);       }      })      .catch(function(error){          return(error);      })     }
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66609474/axios-chaining-post-query-and-post-third-in-chain-returning-before-second March 13, 2021 at 10:06AM

