
Antlr not producing a visit method for some reason

The following grammar, in Java, does not produce a visitor with "visitExpr" and I have no idea why... I added valueExpression and it DOES produce visitValueExpression, but this doesn't make it easy to get an expr out of all the math expressions.

grammar Txml;    program: statement (NEWLINE statement)* NEWLINE? EOF;    statement: require    # Condition      | entry           # CreateEntry      | assignment      # Assign      ;    require: REQUIRE valueExpression;    valueExpression: expr;  expr: lhs=expr ('*' | '/') rhs=expr          # MulDiv      | lhs=expr ('+' | '-') rhs=expr          # AddSub      | lhs=expr '%' rhs=expr                  # Mod      | lhs=expr '^' rhs=expr                  # Pow      | '(' expr ')'                           # Parens      | NUMBER                                 # NumberLiteral      | IDENT '(' args ')'                     # FunctionCall      | IDENT                                  # Identifier      | STRING_LITERAL                         # StringLiteral      ;    functionArgument: expr;  args: (functionArgument (',' functionArgument)*)?;    // Reserved words  REQUIRE: 'require';    // Whitespace and line break  NEWLINE : [\r\n];  WS: [ \t] + -> skip;    // Entities  NUMBER: ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)?;  IDENT: [a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z]*;  STRING_LITERAL : '"' (~('"' | '\\' | '\r' | '\n') | '\\' ('"' | '\\'))* '"';  

Also, I don't quite see how to visit a "generic" node in the base visitor - how do I get a RuleNode out of a specific context?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66792486/antlr-not-producing-a-visit-method-for-some-reason March 25, 2021 at 11:07AM

