
Abort trap: 6 C++

My code works perfectly but I got an "Abort trap: 6" and I'm trying to fix it. (The following code is about to write the content of the array in a file and then open this file and read this content into an array and display the array's content.)

I suspect that ziziMechant.dat was a bit larger than I might expect? That's my best guess so far. How to fix this abort trap error? (and any tips to prevent it would be welcome - I'm beginner level)

#include <iostream>  #include <string>  #include <stream>  using namespace std;    void arrayToFile(string fileName, int *array, int sizeArray)  {      ofstream outputFile(fileName, ios::binary); // file opened in binary mode        outputFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(array), sizeArray * sizeof(int)); //.write   member accepts pointer to char as first argument                                                                              // so use   reinterpret_cast when calling it        outputFile.close();  }    void fileToArray(string fileName, int *array, int sizeArray)  {      ifstream inputFile(fileName, ios::binary);        inputFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(array), sizeArray * sizeof(int)); //.read    member accepts pointer to char as first argument                                                                            // so use   reinterpret_cast when calling it        inputFile.close();   }     int main()  {      const int arraySize = 5;      int array[arraySize] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};      int arrayToRead[arraySize];        //call arrayToFile function to write into file      cout << "Let's start to write on the file from the array\n";      arrayToFile("ziziMechant.dat", array, sizeof(array));      cout << "Done\n";        //call fileToArray to read from file      cout << "Let's read that file to the array\n";      fileToArray("ziziMechant.dat", arrayToRead, sizeof(arrayToRead));      cout << "Job done\n";        //display the array we just read      cout << "Let's display the array content\n";      for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)      {           cout << arrayToRead[i] << ",";      }      cout << "\n";        return 0;  }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66701249/abort-trap-6-c March 19, 2021 at 09:07AM

