
Unable to retrieve JSON value from PHP and Javascript

I have the following JSON below that I want to parse and get the value of the TotalRows. However, in my PHP and JavaScript it returns an error or undefined when I try to access it and I am not sure why.

My code for PHP is, where $customers returns the JSON below:

$customers = $customerDB->findCustomer(5, 1);  $arr = json_decode($customers, true);  echo $arr["TotalRows"];  

For JavaScript:

var data = <?php echo json_encode($customers); ?>;  console.log(data.TotalRows)  

[     {        "TotalRows":91,        "Rows":[           {              "CompanyName":"Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados",              "ContactName":"Ana Trujillo",              "ContactTitle":"Owner",              "City":"M\u00e9xico D.F.",              "Country":"Mexico"           },           {              "CompanyName":"Antonio Moreno Taquer\u00eda",              "ContactName":"Antonio Moreno",              "ContactTitle":"Owner",              "City":"M\u00e9xico D.F.",              "Country":"Mexico"           },           {              "CompanyName":"Around the Horn",              "ContactName":"Thomas Hardy",              "ContactTitle":"Sales Representative",              "City":"London",              "Country":"UK"           },           {              "CompanyName":"Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p",              "ContactName":"Christina Berglund",              "ContactTitle":"Order Administrator",              "City":"Lule\u00e5",              "Country":"Sweden"           },           {              "CompanyName":"Blauer See Delikatessen",              "ContactName":"Hanna Moos",              "ContactTitle":"Sales Representative",              "City":"Mannheim",              "Country":"Germany"           }        ]     }  ]  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66073415/unable-to-retrieve-json-value-from-php-and-javascript February 06, 2021 at 11:54AM

