
Swift Lazy Property Initialization Circular Reference Compilation Error?

Can anyone explain why the following code will result in a circular reference error while compiling?

class Foo {            let closure: ()->()            func someFunc() {}            init(closure: @escaping ()->()) {          self.closure = closure      }  }    class Bar {            lazy var foo = Foo { [weak self] in // Circular Reference error here!          self?.foo.someFunc()      }  }  

However if I change it to:

class Bar {        lazy var foo: Foo = {          return Foo { [weak self] in              self?.foo.someFunc()          }      }()  }  

then there is no circular reference error anymore.

I'm confused why one would cause an error, and the other would not.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66147175/swift-lazy-property-initialization-circular-reference-compilation-error February 11, 2021 at 08:35AM

