def export_as_xls(self, request, queryset): opts = self.model._meta file_name = unidecode(opts.verbose_name) sql_query = '''SELECT COUNT(id) AS No_Of_Report, vendor, country_code, SUM(new_code)*100/SUM(sent) AS 'failure_rate', SUM(case when new_code =0 then 1 ELSE 0 end)*100/sum(sent) AS 'success_rate' FROM sms_statistics WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(date) >= curdate() - interval 30 day GROUP BY vendor, country_code ORDER BY vendor DESC;'''
This is mysql query i used to call for the data in mysql schema
field_names = ('No of report', 'Vendor', 'Country Code', 'Failure Rate', 'Success Rate') wb = Workbook() ws = ws.append(ExportExcelAction.generate_header(self, self.model, field_names)) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql_query) objects = list(cursor.fetchall()) for row in cursor.fetchall(): objects = list(row) ws.append(objects) print(ws.append(row)) ws = style_output_file(ws)
I think the issue is right here for not being able to export to excel. Im not be using the right method to export the file from
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename={file_name}.xlsx' return response export_as_xls.short_description = "Reports of Past 30 days" export_as_xls.acts_on_all = True
I believe this part is fine as i tried exporting an empty file and its working as expexted February 05, 2021 at 02:52PM