
Why is there a contradiction in the output by two programs written below (Unions in C)?

Here goes the first code:

#include<stdio.h>    int main(){   union var{   int a;   int b;   };     union var v;     v.b=10;   v.a=5;   printf("%d", v.b);   return 0;  }   

This gives 5 as the output.

However, consider this code:

#include<stdio.h>    int main(){   union var{   int a;   float b;   };     union var v;     v.b=10.0;   v.a=5;     printf("%f", v.b);     return 0;    }  

This gives 0.000000 as the output.

Any explanations?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65839212/why-is-there-a-contradiction-in-the-output-by-two-programs-written-below-unions January 22, 2021 at 12:14PM

