
Why is csv "not implemented in Skulpt"?

I am trying to make a program that uses the functions get_neg and get_posto gather information about the file called project_twitter_data.csv and create a a csv that contains the information about how many negative and positive words that there are. As you can see (I will copy/paste all my current code) on lines 4-7, I am just testing out trying to make a csv without any of the fancy stuff, but for some reason a get an error:


NotImplementedError: csv is not yet implemented in Skulpt on line 1


I then Googled "What is Skulpt" and got a fat percentage measurer website. Could somebody please explain to a Python noob what the error means and how to fix it?

(PS here is the code):

#  import csv    with open('resulting_data.csv', 'wb') as f:      writer = csv.writer(f)      writer.writerow(['first line', '2nd line'])    punctuation_chars = ["'", '"', ",", ".", "!", ":", ";", '#', '@']  # lists of words to use  positive_words = []  with open("positive_words.txt") as pos_f:      for lin in pos_f:          if lin[0] != ';' and lin[0] != '\n':              positive_words.append(lin.strip())    negative_words = []  with open("negative_words.txt") as pos_f:      for lin in pos_f:          if lin[0] != ';' and lin[0] != '\n':              negative_words.append(lin.strip())    twitter = []  with open("project_twitter_data.csv") as pos_f:      for lin in pos_f:          if lin[0] != ';' and lin[0] != '\n':              twitter.append(lin.strip())  print(twitter)  #######################  def strip_punctuation(x):      lst = []      for letter in x:          if not letter in punctuation_chars:              lst.append(letter)      return ("".join(lst))      ######################  def get_neg(x):      lst = []      original_lst_name = []      var = 0      string = x.lower()      original_lst_name = string.split(" ")      print(original_lst_name)      for letter in original_lst_name:          if strip_punctuation(letter) in negative_words:              var += 1              print(var)              print(letter)      return (var)      #######################  def get_pos(x):      lst = []      original_lst_name = []      var = 0      string = x.lower()      original_lst_name = string.split(" ")      print(original_lst_name)      for letter in original_lst_name:          if strip_punctuation(letter) in positive_words:              var += 1              print(var)              print(letter)      return (var)  #########################  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65854974/why-is-csv-not-implemented-in-skulpt January 23, 2021 at 09:52AM

