
Which version of openssl does azure c sdk require?


Ubuntu 18.04  OpenSSL downloaded from github.  Azure IOT C SDK downloaded from github.  Cross compiling for Android NDK version 22.0.7026061  

Azure iot C sdk is dependent on OpenSSL. I have downloaded and built openssl. However, when building Azure iot sdk, I am getting different errors.

First, I got errors that I am using certain deprecated functions from OpenSSL. I managed to have the errors ignored by adding -Wno-deprecated-declarations to CFLAGS.

Now, I am getting errors in c-utility/adapters/x509_openssl.c about incomplete definition of type "struct ssl_ctx_st."

I am wondering if there is a specific git branch of openssl that I need to build azure iot sdk code against. Regards.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65836333/which-version-of-openssl-does-azure-c-sdk-require January 22, 2021 at 05:57AM

