I'm currently reviewing R for Data Science when I encounter this chunk of code. I don't understand the necessity of the arrange function here. Doesn't arrange function just reorder the rows?
library(tidyverse) library(nycflights13)) flights %>% arrange(tailnum, year, month, day) %>% group_by(tailnum) %>% mutate(delay_gt1hr = dep_delay > 60) %>% mutate(before_delay = cumsum(delay_gt1hr)) %>% filter(before_delay < 1) %>% count(sort = TRUE)
However, it does output differently with or without the arrange function, as shown below:
#with the arrange function tailnum n <chr> <int> 1 N954UW 206 2 N952UW 163 3 N957UW 142 4 N5FAAA 117 5 N38727 99 6 N3742C 98 7 N5EWAA 98 8 N705TW 97 9 N765US 97 10 N635JB 94 # ... with 3,745 more rows
#Without the arrange function tailnum n <chr> <int> 1 N952UW 215 2 N315NB 161 3 N705TW 160 4 N961UW 139 5 N713TW 128 6 N765US 122 7 N721TW 120 8 N5FAAA 117 9 N945UW 104 10 N19130 101 # ... with 3,774 more rows
I'd appreciate it if you can help me understand this.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65866938/what-is-this-arrange-function-in-the-second-line-doing-here January 24, 2021 at 11:41AM