
what is the correct python code to get twitter hashtags?

I am posting my first question on stackoverflow and thanks in advance to anyone to help. the below is what I used to get tweets and the hashtags in tweets which look like 'entities': {'hashtags': [{'text': 'COVID19', 'indices': [107, 115]}]. To get the hashtags, I tried

for tweet in (tweets):      hashtags = []      try:          for hashtag in tweet.entities['hashtags']:              for text,indices in hashtag:                  hashtags.append(['text']['indices'])            

But got an empty list [] for hashtags. would you please help me find out what's wrong and what is the correct code for this? Thank you

To get Tweets

search_words = ""   date_since = "2018-01-01"  date_until="2021-01-13"        tweets = tw.Cursor(api.search,                q=search_words,                lang="en",                since=date_since,                until=date_until                     ).items()   
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65838066/what-is-the-correct-python-code-to-get-twitter-hashtags January 22, 2021 at 09:15AM

