I can't figure out why I can't bulk load Elasticsearch with JSON... and it is killing me. I've done this before but this time I am totally stumped.
I have processed a set of JSON documents into Elastic Bulk Load Format and am trying to bulk load the index I just created (verified created, can be queried and is empty).
{"create": {"_id": "ef68e997-c616-4b0b-b08e-dfc09f8cb08f"}} {"id": "ef68e997-c616-4b0b-b08e-dfc09f8cb08f", "title": "My document"} ... repeats for all records
The command I run uses a list of paths to the JSON bulk files and a loop to curl/POST them to Elastic using credentials:
while IFS= read -r "path" < "${DOC_LIST_PATH}" do echo "Submitting Elastic formatted docs at ${path} to Elastic index 'docs' ..." curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" \ "https://${ES_USER}:${ES_PASSWD}@${ES_HOSTNAME}:${ES_PORT}/docs/_bulk" \ --data-binary "@${path}" done
I've done all this before and it should work but... it doesn't. I get this error instead:
Submitting Elastic formatted docs at data/docs_elastic.json/part-00000.json to Elastic index 'docs' ... Warning: Couldn't read data from file Warning: "data/docs_elastic.json/part-00000.json", Warning: this makes an empty POST. {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"request body is required"}],"type":"parse_exception","reason":"request body is required"},"status":400} ... repeats for all files
This is maddening. Please help!
This example is also in a gist here
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65745519/what-am-i-doing-wrong-that-is-causing-a January 16, 2021 at 09:05AM