
Update all documents in a collection in Firestore based on search criteria in Swift 4, Xcode 12

I want to know how to update the individual document in a collection based on a search string in Firebase Cloud Firestore.

I have a collection "Recent", which has the following fields;

  • id: primary key
  • chatRoomId: key
  • blockStatus: string (yes/ no)

I am able to list down the all the documents to update based on

db.collection("Recent").whereField("chatRoomId", isEqualTo: "value")      .getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in          if let err = err {              print("DEBUG: Error getting documents: \(err)")          } else {              for document in querySnapshot!.documents {                  print("DEBUG: \(document.documentID) => \(document.data())")  

how do I update the documents in the collection for a field "blockStatus" based on my search of a string in field chatRoomId?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65774653/update-all-documents-in-a-collection-in-firestore-based-on-search-criteria-in-sw January 18, 2021 at 08:35PM

