
TypeError: manager_method() argument after ** must be a mapping, not str

Sorry, I am new to django rest framework and am having some trouble.

I am using a nested serializer that I would like to add a create() method for.

In trying to do so: I have created the following serializers.py:

class ASerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):      class Meta:          model = A          fields = (              "id",              "name",          )      class BSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):      class Meta:          model = B          fields = (              "id",              "name",          )      class CSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):      class Meta:          model = C          fields = (              "id",              "name",          )    class NSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):      a = ASerializer()      b = BSerializer()      c = CSerializer()        class Meta:          model = N          fields = (              "id",                        "a",              "b",                             "c",              "description",          )        def create(self, validated_data):          a_data= validated_data.pop("a")          b_data= validated_data.pop("b")          c_data= validated_data.pop("c")          n = N.objects.create(**validated_data)            for one in a.data:              A.objects.create(n=n, **one)            for two in b.data:              B.objects.create(n=n, **two)            for three in c.data:              C.objects.create(n=n, **three)            return n  

I want to be able to perform a POST on the data in the following format:

{      "id": 1,      "a": {          "id": 1,          "name": "apple"      },      "b": {          "id": 5,          "name": "red"      },      "c": {          "id": 2,          "name": "medium"      },      "description": "a description."  }  

My models are appropriately linked via foreign keys and I can perform all requests just fine without the create() in my django admin endpoint (would post my models.py here but the code is already rather large for a question) but I am wondering why I am getting the following error:

TypeError: django.db.models.manager.BaseManager._get_queryset_methods.<locals>.create_method.<locals>.manager_method() argument after ** must be a mapping, not str  

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65854743/typeerror-manager-method-argument-after-must-be-a-mapping-not-str January 23, 2021 at 09:04AM

