
Should I use the last GLSL version where it is possible?

My cross-platform graphics program uses shaders written in GLSL version 1.40. GLSL 1.40 features fully satisfy the needs of the application. In fact, very basic shaders are used for rendering textures:

vertex shader:

attribute vec2 position;  attribute vec2 textureCoordinates;    uniform mat3 transformationProjectionMatrix;    varying vec2 interpolatedTextureCoordinates;    void main() {      interpolatedTextureCoordinates = textureCoordinates;      gl_Position.xywz = vec4(transformationProjectionMatrix * vec3(position, 1.0), 0.0);  }  

fragment shader:

precision mediump float;    uniform vec4 color;  uniform sampler2D textureData;    varying vec2 interpolatedTextureCoordinates;    void main() {      gl_FragColor.rgba = color * texture(textureData, interpolatedTextureCoordinates).bgra;  }  

Does it make sense to have several shaders in the program for different versions of GLSL that will be selected depending on the support on a specific hardware? Is it possible to get acceleration when using more modern versions of the shader language?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65545736/should-i-use-the-last-glsl-version-where-it-is-possible January 03, 2021 at 09:06AM

