
Replace All Specific Characters in String using Python

I have a problem with a function I am trying to implement that needs to replace some letters (in a given string), for some other characters, defined on a dictionary.

I have this dictionary:

chars = {          'A': ['4', '@'],          'E': ['3', '€', '&', '£'],          'T': ['7'],          'S': ['$', '§', '5'],          'I': ['1', '!'],          'O': ['0'],          'B': ['8'],          'C': ['<'],          'L': ['1']      }  

I want to pass a string that when a character matches any key from the dictionary (case insensitive match), it tries to save all the possible combinations for that letter, using the values on the dictionary.

Here's what I currently have:

def type4 (words, v):      chars = {          'A': ['4', '@'],          'E': ['3', '€', '&', '£'],          'T': ['7'],          'S': ['$', '§', '5'],          'I': ['1', '!'],          'O': ['0'],          'B': ['8'],          'C': ['<'],          'L': ['1']      }        tmp = []      string = []      for w in words:                                 # each character in a word          for key in chars.keys():                    # [A, E, T, S, I, O, B, C, L]              for c in chars[key]:                    # [4, @, 3, €, &, £, ...]                  string = list(w)                                      k = 0                                                 ya = ""                  for char in string:                      if (char == key or char == key.lower()):                          string[k] = c                      else:                          string[k] = char                      k += 1                  if (not string == list(w)):                      for i in string:                          ya += i                      print(ya, end="\n\n")                    tmp.append(ya)        return tmp  

In the current code, I have only replaced a character on the string. I need to change it so that it matches the output below,

The desired output, using the word sopa, should be like the following:

sopa  sop4  sop@  s0pa  s0p4  s0p@  $opa  $op4  $op@  $0pa  $0p4  $0p@  §opa  §op4  §op@  §0pa  §0p4  §0p@  5opa  5op4  5op@  50pa  50p4  50p@  

I appreciate any help. Thank y'all in advance.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65865618/replace-all-specific-characters-in-string-using-python January 24, 2021 at 07:29AM

