
pushing to list results in one item always being left out

I'm trying to take an object, upload a file in the object, get the downloaded url and add it to the the object, the problem is whenever I try to push the new data to an array, I always end up missing one of the items and I can't tell why this is happening.

My code:

const transformedData = async () => {    const urlList = [];    for await (let dog of data.dogs) {      // console.log(dog);      if (dog.file.length === 0 || dog.file === undefined) {               urlList.push({ ...dog, akcPapersUrl: "" });      } else {                const uploadTask = await storageRef          .child(`dog/${dog.akcNumber}/${dog.file[0].name}`)          .put(dog.file[0]);          uploadTask.ref.getDownloadURL().then((res) => {          urlList.push({ ...dog, akcPapersUrl: res });        });      }    }    console.log(urlList);    return urlList;  };    await transformedData()    .then((res) => {      data = { ...data, transformed: res };      return data;    })    .then((res) => {      console.log(res);      sendRegistration(res);    });  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65546273/pushing-to-list-results-in-one-item-always-being-left-out January 03, 2021 at 11:03AM

