
Problem with finding similar numbers in 2 columns in vba

i have problem with my code in vba. I have to find how much similar numbers are in column 1 and 2, but for example Column 1 (6,6,34,21,23,40) and column2 (49,34,6,9,6,20) should write 3 cause there are pairs 6-6, 6-6 and 34-34. I know its messy explenation but i hope its understandable. My code so far is:

Sub totolotek()      Dim i As Integer      Dim x As Integer      Dim j As Integer      Dim liczba As Integer      Dim suma As Integer      Dim ileLosowan As Integer      Range("B2:C7").Interior.Color = RGB(135, 134, 125)      Range("B2:B7").Font.ColorIndex = 3      Range("C2:C7").Font.ColorIndex = 5      ileLosowan = 7      Randomize      For i = 2 To ileLosowan          x = Int(Rnd * (49) + 1)          Range("c" & i) = x      Next i  For i = 2 To 7      liczba = Range("c" & i)      For j = 2 To 7          liczbe = Range("b" & j)          If liczbe = liczba Then              Range("c" & i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)              Range("b" & j).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)              suma = suma + 1          End If      Next j  Next i  Range("c" & 9) = suma  End Sub  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65854186/problem-with-finding-similar-numbers-in-2-columns-in-vba January 23, 2021 at 07:37AM

