The graph I'd like to produce is a something like this a left-to-right flowchart with a main process at the top, and a series of groupings of stuff below that feed in and out at various points like this: (though this is a dummy example and I want lots of stuff coming in and out from the top code box, which is why a horizontal layout works better than the default
The problem is that this is made in powerpoint...
I can get something close with this:
digraph example { graph [ rankdir = LR ] subgraph cluster_code { label = "code"; A; B; C; D; } subgraph cluster_data { label = "data"; data_1; data_2; } subgraph cluster_source { label = "source" source_1; source_2 } A -> B B -> C C -> D data_1 -> A data_2 -> B A -> output_1 output_1 -> C source_1 -> data_1 source_2 -> data_2 #{rank = same; source_2; data_2; A} }
But if I try to bring the source
and data
clusters underneath the code cluster using {rank = same; source_2; data_2; A}
(this is hashed out above, and I don't repeat the whole code for brevity of the post), I then A
, data_2
and source_2
drop out of the box. I think this is something do do with rank and clusters not playing nicely together.
Any hints on getting something like the first graph above?
Am running graphviz via R/Rstudio and DiagrammeR