I'm trying to reproduce this animation (see below) with react-three-fiber
. I'm still very new to this package and to three-js
I've been able to do create book shapes with meshLambertMaterial
, as such:
function Book(props) { const mesh = useRef(); useFrame(() => { mesh.current.rotation.x = mesh.current.rotation.y += 0.01 }) const bookCover = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookCoverImg) const bookSpine = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookSpineImg) const bookBack = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookBackImg) const bookPages = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookPagesImg) const bookPagesTexture = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookPagesTextureImg) const bookPagesTopBottomTexture = useLoader(TextureLoader, bookPagesTopBottomTextureImg) return ( <mesh position={props.position} ref={mesh}> <boxBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={ [ 7, 10, 1.2, 4, 4, 1 ] } /> <meshLambertMaterial color={"0xffffff"} map={bookCover} /> <meshLambertMaterial map={bookSpine} /> <meshLambertMaterial map={bookBack} /> <meshLambertMaterial map={bookPages} /> <meshLambertMaterial map={texture_5} /> <meshLambertMaterial map={texture_6} /> </mesh> ) };
Here's a code sandbox of my code so far: https://codesandbox.io/s/cocky-fast-61ndj
My question is: how can I avoid the overlap of these you can see here (below) but still keep the same parallel position we can see in the first example?
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65867043/objects-dont-overlap-when-rotating January 24, 2021 at 12:08PM