
No directory is create, no data is written

I have following code that wants to write the data generated with datagen to a file, but when I run the application, no target directory is created, and no data is written.

When I add env.execute() at the end of the code, it complains that No operators defined in streaming topology. Cannot execute.

I would ask how to make the application work, thanks.

test("insert into table") {      val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment      env.setParallelism(1)      val tenv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)      val ddl =        """        create temporary table abc(         name STRING,         age INT        ) with (          'connector' = 'datagen'        )        """.stripMargin(' ')        tenv.executeSql(ddl)        val sql =        """          select * from abc        """.stripMargin(' ')        val sinkDDL =        s"""        create temporary table xyz(         name STRING,         age INT        ) with (         'connector' = 'filesystem',         'path' = 'D:\\${System.currentTimeMillis()}-csv' ,         'format' = 'csv'          )        """.stripMargin(' ')        tenv.executeSql(sinkDDL)        val insertInSQL =        """        insert into xyz        select name, age from abc        """.stripMargin(' ')        tenv.executeSql(insertInSQL)      //    env.execute()        }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65527490/no-directory-is-create-no-data-is-written January 01, 2021 at 01:36PM

