
Maven: Project A not respecting Project B's exclusion

I have two projects A, and B.

Project A depends on Project B. Project B depends on a library C which depends on a library D. I own both A and B but they live in separate code bases and are independent. Project B is like an internal common helper library.

- A   -- B   --- C (version 1.1)  ---- D (version 1.1)  

I want to upgrade D to a newer minor version, let's say 1.5.

So in B's pom.xml file, I imported D (v1.5) directly. Then excluded D from C. Example:

<dependency>    <groupId>D</groupId>    <artifactId>foobar</artifactId>    <version>1.5</version>  </dependency>  <dependency>    <groupId>C</groupId>    <artifactId>fizzbuzz</artifactId>    <version>1.1</version>    <exclusions>      <exclusion>        <groupId>D</groupId>          <artifactId>foobar</artifactId>      </exclusion>    </exclusions>  </dependency>  

Next if I run

[~/projectB] $ mvn dependency:tree  

I confirm that only 1.5 is used, not 1.1. Next I build a new local snapshot of B. And specify Project A to use that one.

My problem is when I build Project A, it continues to use v1.1 and ignores the exclusion in B. This always returns 1.1 instead of the 1.5 that I want.

[~/projectA] $ mvn dependency:tree  

Project A never imports C or D directly, it only get library D from importing Project B.

I've tried:

  • Reloading the maven imports
  • Running mvn clean install numerous times.
  • Deleting the folders from my .m2/ directory to force reimports

I'm out of troubleshooting ideas. Does anyone else have any tips?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65855039/maven-project-a-not-respecting-project-bs-exclusion January 23, 2021 at 10:07AM

