
Login form crashes

Log in form is not working it crashed after I write the username and password even though my password is correct in the file. I think the problem is the condition of the login form.

#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>    struct employeeInfo{      char fullName[100];      char bDay[100];      char age[3];      char position[100];      char address[100];      char sex[100];      char cpNum[50];      char email[100];      char userName[100];      char passWord[100];      char salary[50];      char attendance[50];      char loan[50];      char events[100];       char requestLetter[100];      char idNumber[10];  };    //FILE   FILE *fptr_admin;  FILE *fptr_employee;    //GLOBAL VARIBALESS  struct employeeInfo Employee;    //FUNCTIONS  //EMPLOYEE  void log_in_employee();  void employee_page();    //ADMIN  void add_employee();  

main fuction

int main(){      char choice;        printf("1. Log in as Employee\n");      printf("2. Log In as Admin\n");      printf("3. Exit\n");      printf("Enter your choice: ");      scanf(" %c", &choice);            switch(choice){          case'1':              log_in_employee();              break;          case '2':              break;          case '3':              break;          default:              printf("Wrong input!");              break;      }      return 0;  }  

adding employee

void add_employee(){      char choice, inputOne, inputTwo, sex;        fptr_employee = fopen("employee.bin", "ab");      fptr_admin = fopen("admin.bin", "ab");        if((fptr_employee == NULL) || (fptr_admin == NULL)){          printf("File not found.");          exit(1);      }        while(1){          printf("\nPersonal Information\n\n");          printf("Enter your full name (SN, FN, MN): ");          fflush(stdin);          gets(Employee.fullName);            printf("Enter Id Number: ");          gets(Employee.idNumber);            printf("Enter your Birthday (M/D/Y): ");          gets(Employee.bDay);            printf("Enter your age: ");          scanf("%[0-9]", &Employee.age);            printf("Enter your address: ");          fflush(stdin);          gets(Employee.address);            printf("\n1. Male\n");          printf("2. Female\n");          printf("3. Others\n");          printf("Enter your sex: ");          select:          scanf(" %c", &inputOne);            switch(inputOne){              case '1':                  strcpy(Employee.sex, "Male");                  break;              case '2':                  strcpy(Employee.sex, "Female");                  break;              case '3':                  printf("Please specify here: ");                  scanf("%s", Employee.sex);                  break;              default:                   goto select;                      break;          }                    printf("\n");            printf("Enter your cellphone number: ");          fflush(stdin);          scanf("%[0-9]", &Employee.cpNum);            printf("Enter your email address: ");          fflush(stdin);          gets(Employee.email);                    printf("\nLog In Details\n\n");            printf("Enter your user name with this format(empl + first name + last name): ");          scanf(" %s",Employee.userName);            printf("Enter your password: ");          scanf(" %s", Employee.passWord);            printf("\n1. Regular Employee\n");          printf("2. Admin\n");          printf("Enter your position in company: ");          position:          scanf(" %c", &inputTwo);            //choice position                     switch(inputTwo){              case '1':                  strcpy(Employee.position, "Regular Employee");                  fwrite(&Employee, sizeof(struct employeeInfo), 1, fptr_employee);                  break;              case '2': //admin can access both regular employee page and admin page;                  strcpy(Employee.position, "Admin");                  fwrite(&Employee, sizeof(struct employeeInfo), 1, fptr_admin);                  break;              default:                   goto position;                  break;          }            printf("Do you want to add more employee Y(yes)/N(no)? ");           scanf(" %c", &choice);                    if(choice == 'n' || choice == 'N'){              printf("Sucessfully Added");              break;          }          printf("\n\n");      }        fclose(fptr_employee);      fclose(fptr_admin);  }  

crashes after I enter the username and password

void log_in_employee(){      system("CLS");        char username[100];      char password[100];        fptr_employee = fopen("employee.bin", "rb");        if(fptr_employee == NULL){          printf("File not found.");          exit(1);      }        printf("Username: ");      scanf("%s", &username);      printf("Password: ");      scanf("%s", &password);            //CHECKING USERNAME AND PASSWORD INPUT      while(fread(&Employee, sizeof(Employee), 1, fptr_employee)){//admin           if(strcmp(username, Employee.userName) == 0 && strcmp(password, Employee.passWord)){              employee_page();          }      }        fclose(fptr_employee);  }  

it will direct in this function if the username and password is true

void employee_page(){      system("CLS");            char choice;            fptr_employee = fopen("employee.bin", "rb");        if(fptr_employee == NULL){          printf("File not found.");          exit(1);      }            printf("                            EMPLOYEE PAGE\n");      printf("______________________________________________________________\n");      printf("Personal Informaiton \n\n");            fread(&Employee, sizeof(Employee), 1, fptr_employee);                printf("Name: %s\n", Employee.fullName);      printf("Position: %s\n", Employee.position);      printf("Birthday: %s\n  ", Employee.bDay);      printf("Address: %s\n", Employee.address);      printf("Age: %s\n", Employee.age);      printf("Mobile Number: %s\n", Employee.cpNum);      printf("Sex: %s\n", Employee.sex);      printf("Email: %s\n", Employee.email);      printf("______________________________________________________________\n");            printf("\nRECORDS\n");        printf("Events\n");              //print      printf("Attendance\n");              //print      printf("Loan\n");              //print      printf("Leave\n");              //print                    printf("\nEMPLOYEE MENU \n");      printf("1. Request Letter\n");      printf("2. Exit\n");      option:      printf("Enter the number:");      scanf("%s", &choice);        switch(choice){          case '1':              //REQUEST FORM              request_form();              break;              goto option;          case '2':              main();           default:              printf("Invalid Input");              break;              goto option;        }        fclose(fptr_employee);  }    
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65756957/login-form-crashes January 17, 2021 at 11:08AM

