
Issues with swal destroy function

I have the swal function working code but when i click cancel without doing, it is going into ajax call which i do not want to

$(document).on('click','.addon',function() {      Swal.fire({        title: 'Provide Your Email Address',        html: `<input type="email" name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress">        `,        confirmButtonText: 'Yes',        showCancelButton:true,        focusConfirm: false,        allowOutsideClick:false,        preConfirm: () => {          const emailaddress = Swal.getPopup().querySelector('#emailaddress').value;          if (!emailIsValid(emailaddress)) {            Swal.showValidationMessage(`Please enter correct Email`)          }          return { emailaddress: emailaddress }        },        didDestroy: () => {          $(this).prop('checked',false);          return; - if i cancel, it should just quit and not go into tthen,         }      }).then((result) => {          var data = 'emailaddress=' + Swal.getPopup().querySelector('#emailaddress').value          $.ajax({            url: 'submission.cfm',            data: data,            type: 'POST',            success: function(data) {                var sdata = jQuery.parseJSON(data);                if($.trim(sdata.status) == 1) {                    swal.fire({                        title:"Cool",                        text: sdata.message,                        type:"success",                        confirmButtonText: 'OK'                    }).then(() => {                        window.location.reload();                    });                }else {                    var err = sdata.message;                    swal.fire("Oops...", err, "error");                }            }        });      })    });  

the above code works but when i click cancel, it still goes into the ajax then, but i do not want it to go there, am i missing anything

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65866442/issues-with-swal-destroy-function January 24, 2021 at 09:52AM

